Navigating the Emotional Impact of Hearing Loss: From Grief to Growth
If you’ve experienced hearing loss, you may have found it to be a life-changing experience. Often, learning to live without full sound not only means figuring out the practical implications, such as whether a hearing device might be helpful or the best place to sit in a restaurant to hear the people at your table but also means working through a landscape of emotions. Hearing loss not only affects how you interact with the world but also how you feel about yourself, and for me, the emotional impact of hearing loss was huge.
Tired of Listening? Understanding and Managing Listening Fatigue for Better Well-Being
Listening fatigue, also known as auditory fatigue, is the state of being mentally and emotionally drained due to the effort it takes to understand speech or sounds in challenging situations. It occurs when our brains become overwhelmed by continuous auditory input and is an associated impact of hearing loss.
World Hearing Day: Changing Mindsets
When I was first learning to live with hearing loss I worried that my communication difficulties would make me look ignorant or unintelligent. I now realise that this is what the society I grew up in had always told me. So, with time, I decided not to listen (pun intended!)